Sunday, October 9, 2011

Cheapest plate rack ever !!

This is with no doubt the cheapest plate rack ever.
I have been using these for already a few years now and they are just great.
Able to support plates even up to 30 x30 cm (or more).
Ikea is selling them for .... € 3,49  !!! You can't even buy the wood for that money.

IKEA Magasin plate rack

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Demonstration at Photo 3.0

Last sunday we were invited to give a wet plate demonstration at the new Photo 3.0 event. Together with my friends Ben and Ad i had a great day !
If you want to know some more about that event, just have a look at this website :

A few very talented photographers were showing there works like Mike Roelofs, Kim Boske, Femke Schaap, Martijn Hesseling, Marjan teeuwen and many others
It was located at the temporary Art centre in Eindhoven.

I am always surprised how much stuff i have to bring, just to make one picture.
My car was fully loaded with camera, lights, chemicals, trays etc. etc.
But it's always a pleasure to give such a demonstration in front of very enthousiastic people. People who are interested in this beautifull kind of photography.

There's something else which surprises me. Many woman are very interested in wet plate photography. More than half of the listeners were female !
So it isn't a men's world anymore....

The pictures below were made bij Ad v/d Beemt and Theo Visser

Wednesday, September 28, 2011


Inspired by a picture of Ed Ross i finally was able to get my daughter in front of my camera again.

Clear glass ambro
exposure time 4 secs
Dallmeyer 3b open
Alex collodion mix
KCN fixer

Monday, September 26, 2011

Gathering with two Belgian photographers

Last saturday Kelly and Michel, both professional photography teachers,  visited my small studio. They were eager to get more knowledge about the wet plate process.
It was funn working with them. It's always nice to see that everybody has it's own vision about photography.
So we made some plates together.

8x10" (black and normal glass)
alex collodion mix ( no additional ether)
Dallmeyer 3b wide open.
exposuretimes aprox 4 secs.
KCN fixer


Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Friendliest Grey Whales In Mexico

The friendliest whales in the world: grey whales in Mexico

Friendliest Grey Whales In Mexico
Tourists are greeted by a friendly grey whale whilst whale watching in San Ignacio Lagoon, Mexico
Friendliest Grey Whales In Mexico
These wildlife enthusiasts were shown the impressive beasts by famous zoologist and BBC presenter Mark Carwardine who has been visiting the area for over 25-years.
Friendliest Grey Whales In Mexico
Mark Carwardine said: "To have a huge, friendly whale willingly approach your boat and look you straight in the eye is without doubt one of the most extraordinary experiences on the planet."
Friendliest Grey Whales In Mexico
"Sometimes they even let people rub their huge tongues or kiss them on the top of the head," said Mark, who co-presented the BBC 2 series Last Chance to See with Stephen Fry.
Friendliest Grey Whales In Mexico
Mark is passionate about whale conservation and sees whale watching as an important way of increasing awareness and appreciation of these beautiful animals.
Friendliest Grey Whales In Mexico
Among the many other species that come close are blue whales, and humpback whales, which often roll on their sides to look up at the passengers.
Friendliest Grey Whales In Mexico
These whales begin their journey from the Bering Sea in the Arctic making it a 20,000km round trip, one of the longest migrations undertaken by any mammal. They set off down the Pacific coast in December and don't eat again until they return to their northern feeding grounds some five months later.
Friendliest Grey Whales In Mexico

They love being stroked.....

Friendliest Grey Whales In Mexico

and playful

Friendliest Grey Whales In Mexico

They can just sense friendly humans

Friendliest Grey Whales In Mexico

A great example of inter species bonding

Friendliest Grey Whales In Mexico

This lady is in no danger at all

Adorable Animal Pairs in Love

Adorable Animal Pairs in Love

Adorable Animal Pairs in Love

Adorable Animal Pairs in Love

Adorable Animal Pairs in Love

Adorable Animal Pairs in Love

Adorable Animal Pairs in Love

Adorable Animal Pairs in Love

Adorable Animal Pairs in Love

Adorable Animal Pairs in Love

Adorable Animal Pairs in Love

Adorable Animal Pairs in Love

Adorable Animal Pairs in Love

Adorable Animal Pairs in Love

Adorable Animal Pairs in Love

Adorable Animal Pairs in Love

Adorable Animal Pairs in Love

Adorable Animal Pairs in Love

Adorable Animal Pairs in Love

Adorable Animal Pairs in Love

Adorable Animal Pairs in Love

Adorable Animal Pairs in Love

Adorable Animal Pairs in Love