Sunday, August 28, 2011

Donchev camera is "deflowered".........

Yesterday i was finally able to "deflower" my new Donchev 20x20"camera.
It took me a long time to finish all the needed material and find the time to start with this project.
So yesterday i phoned my friend Ad and asked him if he had some spare time.
It's time, i told him. Let's make a large plate....

So we made the set-up but i made several mistakes.
This plate isn't my best.
The glass wasn't properly cleaned, so this is not what we call "a clean plate".

Producing small plates is something like working on automatic pilot.
I can tell you, i have to relearn all my skills. This is totally different ball game....

But it was fun to do.
Andy Donchev you made me a great camera !!

Do you want to see how the camera looks like ? Just have a look :

clear glass ambro
30 x40 cm ( had to start somewhere........)
"poorboy" collodion mix
KCN fixer
exposure time 9 sec ( should have been around 11 secs)
No name large petzval 20" at aprox 5.6

Plate is scanned in 2 pieces and stiched in PS

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